Once a patient is diagnosed with thyroid disease, it should be treated as early as possible to minimize the health impact.

A Thyroidectomy is carried out depending on the severity of the condition, to remove either partially or all, of one or both lobes of the thyroid gland. Common reasons for a thyroidectomy include thyroid nodules, which can cause compressive symptom such as difficulties in breathing and swallowing, confirmed or suspected malignancy; ineffective medical treatment for hyperthyroidism. Medical history, blood tests, imaging and fine-needle aspiration cytology for example, could often help determine the need of surgery and the surgical approach.


Goitre or thyroid nodule can make the patient’s neck swell and make swallowing difficult.

    If you have any of the above symptoms and have been diagnosed by doctors to require thyroid surgery, you can read the information provided by this website, in order to help you gain in-depth understanding of the different types of surgery, pre-operative factors and post-operative care.